I’m from the USA so I’ve never personally tasted Moon Mist but as soon as I read the description I knew I needed to try it. I put it on my lips all day long, the smell is inCREDIBLE!! I love it dearly. At this rate I’ll be purchasing another tube in no time.
I can’t believe how moisturizing this lip balm is and also how exact the scent matches Moon Mist!
Absolutely love it!! The flavour is sweet and the scent is present without being overwhelming. It’s my nighttime lip balm for when I go to sleep and the flavour fits that very relaxing, zen moment.
The smell is great. My daughter loves it.
Silky smooth as all products are, this one has such a great smell and taste, too! Five stars for sure!!
I bought this as a stocking stuffer for my little sister. She had been stealing mine as she absolutely loved this flavor. It reminds me of a banana laffy taffy which is also my sister's favorite. They make great gifts and there are so many flavors to choose from.