First jobs foreshadowing the future
Here she is! This is 21 year old Sylvie on her college graduation day! Although she was mortified to discover how the flash made her top to see-through when the photos were developped weeks later (funny how all the no-gown prints disappeared...) on this day, she's excited because she has graduated, (Yay!) won a couple of awards (one for Entrepreneurship, which I proudly pulled out when I applied for a business loan recently! lol!) and best of all: SHE HAD A JOB!!! Not just a job, but a COOL job. In her FIELD!

Although she would have jumped at becoming the buyer for any retail chain, it was politely pointed out to her during her second year that that kind of gig doesn't really fall into the laps of not-yet-grads - you have to work your way up. I know. Bummer. But here she was now, in an entry level marketing job with a cosmetics distribution company, which meant that she had a computer (this was a BIG deal in 2000!) AND her own email address. Yeah, they had EMAIL! So cool! Best of all, she got to learn all about fun new products and trying them was PART OF HER JOB!!! Have you ever had any sweet perks at a job? What were they? And can you hook me up?!! Heheh - Just kidding! Sorta.