Social Comments Vs. Customer Feedback

We have hundreds of 1000s of followers across all our social media platforms, which means that I get plenty of people telling me to change my lip balms this way or that way. If I took them all to heart, I'd be chasing my tail all day trying to please everyone. 

But a very important thing that I always remember is that there is a big difference between social media comments and feedback from actual customers. 

As much as people will preface their comments by saying something like “As a consumer…” when they drop their criticism or suggestion, 99% of the time, they're not an actual customer of mine and likely wouldn't become one even if I were to do what they asked. 

What matters to me is feedback from the people actually buying and using my lip balm. I don't need my products to be everything to everyone, and the customers that I do have buy my lip balms because they're exactly what they've been looking for.

Just as my products are right now.