
What Inspired Me to Start My Business (Part 2)
I'm sure you won't be surprised that one of the big reasons I started my business is because I wanted to make a better lip balm. I wanted something that was natural but fun too and because of the sensory...
What Inspired Me to Start My Business (Part 1)
I think starting my business was the culmination of a lot of different things and interests of mine coming together. From the time I was about 12, I was really into reading teen magazines. And it's funny to look back...
How Did I Come Up with My Formula?
Experimentation is how my lip balm formula came to be.  The first time I ever made lip balm, it was with a recipe that I found online and I had fun making different ones with different ingredients to see which...
Where to Get a Lip Balm Tray or Labelling Machine
If you're looking for a tray or a labeling machine similar to what we have, I can't give you the exact supplier. But I'd love to help you get started on finding those things for yourself! The biggest hurdle that...
Did I Just Leak My Recipe?
In short, the answer is no. But that'll make more sense once I explain the difference between a recipe and a listing of ingredients. In my videos, I'll often mention some of the ingredients we use. And if you visit...
Are Our Lip Balms Scented or Flavored?
There has been a lot of debate in the comments about whether our lip balms truly are flavored, or whether they are scented, and I wanted to clarify this for you because, well, it can be a little confusing! When...
The Most Bizzare Lip Balm I Tried to Make
I actually have this not-so-secret dream of starting another line of lip balm with ridiculous and gross flavors. Honestly, the one thing that's holding me back is that most of the flavors that I want to create can't be pulled...
How I Come Up With New Flavors
Every flavour I make starts with a bit of inspiration. I'll think of something that I think would make a great lip balm flavour and I'll see if I can recreate it. The first step is knowing which ingredients and...
Business Questions: It's Complicated
In January of 2022, I started making TikTok videos showing some behind the scenes here at Eclair Lips and they took off in a bigger way than I could have ever imagined. And not only on TikTok - it wasn’t...